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Bottom line: With produce, only the best is enough.

Customers at all levels demands top quality

From supermarket customers perusing the isle for the best avocado to juices that only use the best oranges, the current global market has a standard of demanding perfection. Bruised and scuffed produce don’t make the cut and represents loss revenue. By using an aaggrrii™ sensor to replicate how a specific product goes through processing, all impact points are identified and show exactly where problem areas exist and how severe they are. This information provides the context needed to take data-driven actions and set best-practices to supply more damage free produce, day after day.

Mastering the science of exporting produce

International markets enable access to produce year round in locations where it would be impossible otherwse. As a result, exporting offers the most value added to your produce, if it can reach the right market in the right condition. ProduceQC™ allows exporters to have a mobile impact measurement tool to accurately find issues in handling, wherever they might be in the logistical chain. ProduceQC provides key information to improve produce handling. Real time data provides operators the opportunity to make adjustments on the fly to reduce damage. The end result? The ability to get more fresh produce to the market using the same level of resources.

Packaging design must perform throughout the logistics chain

Market demands are pressuring food suppliers, processors and exporters to produce more and reduce cost, all while following strict quality standards. ProduceQC™ can replicates the produce going through processing and also packaging. Packaging design must be lightweight, appealing to the customer and of course, protect the goods. Getting information about the protection your packaging design provides is paramount in delivering quality produce to the customer. As such, vetting and testing packaging design becomes much more straightforward with Produce QC™ as each package can be tested and re-tested much quicker with real data. 

Boost quality. Export more. Improve packaging performance.
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